my tanned butt

2.900,00 (excl. shipping)

I love my tanned skin, but it is the most profan and senseless achievement in the world.

Artist: Katharina Arndt


I love my tanned skin, but it is the most profan and senseless achievement in the world.

Tanning, tanned skin as white people lifestyle. Nowadays it is in fashion, but fashion changes, morality changes, point of view changes. The focus on the outer appearance, as the focus on the superficial surface.

The focus of my artistic work (painting, drawing) is the observation of digital communication behaviour and the visualisation of aesthetics of mass consumption in the digital age.
Symbol for this is the topic 'surface' – social, cultural, material. In the hyperreal and at the same time immaterial online world, only the visual appearance dominates – of ourselves and the products we are supposed to buy.
We stroke the glossy screen of our smartphone countless times a day, the bodies are hairless, the corners round, the sunglasses mirrored. The smooth appears as a metaphor for resistance, eternal youth, as artificial, uncritical, superficial, conformist. In relation to this, the individual, his feeling, behavior.

I transfer this topic material and content wise into painting. I work on artificial media such as PVC film, lacquer paper and Plexiglas with glossy acrylic paint and lacquer markers. Fast, reduced, almost childlike, motifs and medium function as an artistic mirror of the quantity and speed of perceived scenes.
The figures in my paintings often wear sunglasses, stick to their mobile phones, have headphones on. They are socially highly active and at the same time socially isolated,
I see my work as a psychogram of a positivist consumer society that tries to escape its own mortality.