Adia Wahid – Algorythms meet art

PArt Talk with Adia Wahid and Alexandra Karg In her art, Adia Wahid is influenced by the West as well as by the East. Her birth country Pakistan as well as South Korea, where the artist also lived, have always deeply influenced her artworks. In our PArt Talk, Adia...

Michal Raz – What inspires you the most?

PArt Talk with Michal Raz and Alexandra Karg The multimedia artist Michal Raz was born in Jerusalem in 1984 and is currently living and working in London. The artist holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) with high honours from Beit Berl College in Israel and a Master of...

Frederike von Cranach – fascinated by nature

PArt Talk with Frederike von Cranach and Alexandra Karg In her art, Frederike von Cranach creates which seem utopian, as from another world. The artist processes so-called Neptune-grass into sculptures and drawings. Frederike von Cranach studied fashion design before...

Aktuelle Ausstellungen mit PArt-Künstlerin Zuzanna Skiba

Die PArt-Künstlerin Zuzanna Skiba lädt herzlich zu folgenden Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland ein:  Bielefeld:FINISSAGE#Brückenschlagen_ARTUR!12 verlängert bis Sonntag 28.11. 2021 Fr. 26.11. von  17 – 19 UhrSa. 27.11. von  15 – 17 UhrSo. 28.11. von  17...


19. bis 21. November 2021 Hier kommt ein Tipp für Kurzentschlossene! Am Wochenende geben die Künstler*innen und Kreativen des ATELIERFRANKFURT drei Tage lang einen Einblick in die Produktion zeitgenössicher Kunst und Kultur. Corona-bedingt öffnen nicht alle, aber mehr...